Turkish bath (Hammam)
This is a luxurious steam room with high humidity, in which your body and mind find peace and enjoyment. The floor heating system allows you to maintain a constant temperature of 45-50 ° C, it is not so hot, so being in a Turkish bath brings only pleasure. Indications: various diseases accompanied by intoxication, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, various dermatoses (toxicoderma, urticaria, neurodermatitis), eczema, cellulite, obesity.
Indications for the appointment of a "Turkish bath" (Hammam)
- various diseases accompanied by intoxication
- osteochondrosis
- arthrosis
- various dermatoses: toxicoderma, urticaria, neurodermatitis, - eczema
- cellulite
- obesity
Contraindications of the "Turkish bath"
- oncological diseases
- the acute phase of all inflammatory processes
- all forms of decompensated heart failure, including acute thrombophlebitis.
The procedures are taken for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.
There are 3-5 procedures per course.
Rules for visiting the Turkish bath
Before entering the steam room, you need to pour cold water over the body several times. In the steam room itself, it is also recommended to pour yourself several times.
- In the Turkish steam room, the drinking regime is as intense as the sweating process. Here, the liquid pours literally "in three streams." You need to drink as much as possible: herbal teas with mint, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves, lime, mineral water.
- A Turkish bath is also useful for people suffering from sleep disorders.
- In the Turkish steam room, sudden movements are unacceptable – you can easily damage warmed-up muscles.
- With prolonged stay in the hammam, a person begins to feel weak or dizzy. With these symptoms, you should immediately leave the steam room. Absolutely anyone can "overdo it", and there is also a risk of undetected diseases that fall into the list of not recommended for visiting the hammam. Also, to prevent such a common disease as fungus, it is mandatory to wear individual slippers.