Mini steam cedar barrel
Cedar phyto-barrel combines the natural power of Siberian cedar and the medicinal properties of Altai herbs. The basis of the method consists in active sweating from the release of toxins from the body and the entry of medicinal herb vapors through the skin into the body.
The newest method of cleansing, healing and weight loss is a PHYTO BOTTLE.
This is an ancient Russian, with elements of ancient Tibetan, method of cleansing the body.
You are inside the barrel, only the head remains outside. The barrel itself is made of three-hundred-year-old cedar, the wood of which contains unique substances that destroy microbes and viruses, and give the air healing properties.
In addition, steam from medicinal herbs is fed into the barrel. Due to the saturation of medicinal compounds, sweat pores and glands open, which contributes to the maximum elimination of toxins. Salts from the body. As a result, the body is cleansed at the cellular and tissue levels. The work of the nervous, circulatory and immune systems, the work of internal organs is restored, cellulite is eliminated. Weight loss is observed. After sessions in a phyto bottle, the skin looks silky, your mood rises, and your vitality increases. You feel rejuvenated, rested.
General indications for the use of cedar barrels:
- The phenomena of overwork
- Asthenic conditions after severe mental or physical exertion
- Distress
- Reduction of functional reserves of the cardiovascular system
- Problematic skin (oily, dry. Acne)
- For hair growth and strengthening in case of hair loss
- Chronic dermatoses
- Decreased immunity (frequent colds)
- Alimentary obesity
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- Tempering
- Diseases of the urinary tract
- Menopausal syndrome
- Mastopathy
- Fibroids and fibromyomas of the t/uterus of small size or in the attenuation stage
- The initial stages of hypertension
- Neuropathies of various etiologies
- Infertility
- Vascular pathology (angiopathy in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, varicose veins)
- Diseases of the digestive system
Contraindications to the use of cedar barrels:
- Allergy to herbs
- Pronounced atherosclerosis
- Hypertension in the decompensation stage
- Severe heart disease
- Neoplasms
- Tuberculosis in the active phase
- Tendency to bleeding
- Diseases of the blood system and hematopoietic organs
- Infectious skin diseases and some skin diseases (wet eczema, penfitis, etc.)
- Venereal diseases
- Progressive glaucoma
- Pregnancy