Infrared sauna
The procedure gently warms up tissues, improves blood circulation, helps to reduce pain after physical work and training, even those who cannot stand the heat, have vegetative-vascular dystonia can undergo procedures in the INFRARED sauna, this is a kind of cardio training. An infrared sauna is indicated for disorders of cardiovascular activity, disorders of the nervous, immune, and genitourinary systems.
An infrared sauna (IR sauna) is a special room or cabin in which infrared radiators are installed. Cabins are usually made of natural wood. When heated, this material begins to release useful phytoncides. Phytoncides are biologically active substances that are formed in plants. They are capable of killing or suppressing the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria, microscopic fungi and protozoa.
There is no heating of the air in the infrared sauna. But it produces a high penetrating effect. The normal temperature for an infrared cabin can be called 38-45 degrees. At the same time, the human body warms up evenly and deeply from the inside. It should be noted that this does not put a lot of stress on the heart, which is very important. The person in it begins to sweat intensely. Thus, the removal of toxins and cleansing of the entire body takes place.
People have been using infrared heat therapy since ancient times. Infrared waves are natural waves that emit any warm object. They are safe for human health and represent a way of transferring thermal energy from one object to another.
The infrared cabins are equipped with precisely designed radiators. These waves are capable of penetrating into the human body to a depth of up to 4 cm.
It is very convenient that the session does not take much time. Infrared saunas can be used by people of different ages. In addition, the IR cabin has small dimensions, which facilitates its placement in the apartment.
- Before visiting an infrared sauna, consult a doctor if you suffer from chronic diseases or have suffered a stroke, heart attack, are taking medications or are pregnant.
- In the infrared sauna, the air is warmed up to 60 degrees as much as possible due to infrared radiators, which are made in the form of ceramic heaters. The air temperature in the infrared sauna during the session should not exceed 55 degrees. By opening the door, you can adjust the temperature and humidity of the air. Cabins for infrared saunas, as a rule, are made of wood that emit antibacterial substances.
- Before the session, be sure to take a hot shower so that the pores on the skin open up and the cleansing process increases.
- Use at least 2 towels: put one on the seat, the second is used to wipe sweat from the body, remember, water has a great resistance to infrared radiation. Creams, oils and other products are not used in the infrared sauna.
- When visiting an infrared sauna, the recommended duration of one session is 20-30 minutes. Listen to your body. Adjust the duration of the session depending on how you feel. It is necessary to maintain the body's water balance. For these purposes, drink a small amount of water before, during and after the session.
- It is not recommended to drink sugary drinks or carbonated water. To achieve optimal results, refrain from using the sauna immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. It is recommended to have a light snack 2 hours before the session.
- Radiation in the infrared sauna raises the body temperature to 38 degrees, as it happens when the body is fighting an infection, so the sauna is most useful at the first appearance of signs of a cold. Place your feet at body level and closer to the heater so that they warm up well.
- To obtain the therapeutic effect, the infrared sauna should be visited systematically, up to twice a week. The number of sessions should be 10-12. You can visit the infrared sauna every other day, but not more often.
- We recommend that you do not make sudden movements immediately after the session, try to sit quietly for about 5 minutes, because even after leaving the cabin, visitors experience increased sweating and blood circulation.
Take a shower after the session to wash away toxins released from the skin.
Infrared radiation, unlike ultraviolet, does not harm the skin, does not burn oxygen in the air, but warms the body as in a conventional bath.
It is strictly forbidden:
- enter the cabin of the infrared sauna barefoot (entrance is allowed only in slates);
- sit on a bench in the infrared sauna without laying a towel;
- fight and arrange brawls in the infrared sauna;
- splash water and other liquids on the walls and on the surface of the radiators in the infrared sauna.